COLGENIUM - guardian of your memory and concentration

COLGENIUM - guardian of your memory and concentration

COLGENIUM - guardian of your memory and concentration

For years, the mission of COLWAY has been to support the discoveries of the Polish school of protein biochemistry. We pay special attention to peptides which health-promoting therapeutic properties are not only recognized, but also confirmed in numerous scientific studies.

Our goal is to create unique supplements based on these substances - natural, safe and effective, so that everyone can gain from their beneficial effects.


Colgenium contains in its composition COLOCO PRP® (patent UPRP No. P.218693) an extract of colostrum and its most valuable protein fraction. Colostrinin is also called proline-rich polypeptide (prp). The biological activity of colostrinin results from more than one component, because its effects cannot be replicated using any of the peptides tested so far. We have added to Colgenium vitamin B6, which is synergistically acting with COLOCO PRP®.

From the research conducted by Geo-Poland on a group of almost 400 people, after a period of 4 months, conclusions can be drawn:

o The administration of COLOCO PRP®, in a statistically significant way, compared to people who did not receive COLOCO PRP®, increased the value of BDNF, i.e. a brain-derived neurotrophic factor that stimulates the production of new brain cells and strengthens the existing ones. BDNF is believed to be a key protein for the functioning of a healthy brain.

o COLOCO PRP® supplementation positively influenced (at the trend level), in the study group, the improvement of cognitive functions: memory, attention, learning ability, assessed with the help of computerized neuropsychological tests (CANTAB). Importantly, the improvement concerned healthy people of all ages.

Nowadays, our fast lifestyle, stress, and intense stimuli have a negative impact on the functioning of our brain. It effects in our malaise and worsened quality of life. It is highly recommended to take care of those brain functions that determine our productivity, the possibility of intellectual development, but also our everyday functioning.

Your brain doesn't absorb nutrients normally as other organs, its metabolism is extremely fast. Small fluctuations in the composition, calorific value and quality of food can affect its work, regeneration and speed of reaction, so it is no coincidence that the COLGENIUM formula was developed in the form of lozenges. This form of administration of COLOCO PRP® is crucial for its optimal absorption and effectiveness.

Colgenium is an excellent dietary supplement for people struggling with:

• disturbances in memory processes,

• distractions of attention caused by exhaustion,

• deterioration of cognitive performance,

• problems with the acquisition of knowledge,

• distortions in concentration,

• delayed reactions to stimuli,

• feeling distracted or exhausted.

Check it out now  Colgenium

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